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It is high time we fought against all self-centric ‘-ism’s!


ID 146116

A.S. 2023-24


DOCENTI Prof.ssa Annamaria Adinolfi

                        Prof.ssa Angela Fiore



About the project

The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for youth policy cooperation for the period between 2019-2027. It fosters youth participation in various important fields by ensuring that all young people have the necessary resources to actively take part in their communities. The Erasmus+ Programme and eTwinning Portal seek ways to back up young people during this phase and aim to increase the quality of their informal and non-formal learning processes to support their civic engagement on the path. Our project, ‘It is high time we fought against all self-centric ‘-ism’s!’, strives for the extension of youth participation in school communities through well-being-based tasks and events and calls for an action by young people from all backgrounds. In this international project, 16-18 year-old high school students will come together and start dialogues and discussions to learn and make their voice heard about #YouthGoal3GoodHealth&Well-being, 8DecentWork&EconomicGrowth, 10ReducedInequlities and 16PeaceJustice&StrongInstitutions. The activities will include online meetings, trainings, workshops, debates and awareness-raising campaigns, through which the students will become knowledgeable about the topic with specific relevance to their lives, have a chance to be in a simulation of the functioning of democratic institutions and feel the importance of decision-making for the benefit of the whole humanity. Consequently, they will be expected to produce such intellectual outputs as public notice, blog, report, proposal, brochure, leaflet, pamphlet, speech, etc. In short, they will not only touch upon this global issue by directly engaging in their local environment and connecting and cooperating with the other concerned young people, but also empowering themselves through inquiry, research and knowledge acquisition.



Our students will: - display an increased motivation and appetite for learning, - acquire a range of skills like understand, analyze, synthesize and evaluate via inquiry, research and triangulation, - gain personal confidence and self-esteem through taking on challenges and achieving success, - extend their key skills of communication, digital competences, problem solving, leadership and teamwork, - develop their self-awareness and social skills, value the effort and the success of others, - learn the effective ways to take part in civic society, - become aware of the effect of their actions on the environment, - act as agents of change for sustainable development, - increase international cooperation to eliminate inequalities, intolerance and injustice, - contribute to the EU Youth Dialogue.


Expected Results

1. The students from different countries will have a chance to gather together to question their socio-cultural awareness and participate in the process of the sustainable development policy-making on all levels.

2. They will produce many outputs including both spoken (presentation, speech) and written media (report, proposal, brochure, leaflet, pamphlet, etc.).

3. They will improve their social, civil and intercultural competences and stimulate fruitful international dialogue between countries.

4. As they will be in a multilingual environment, they will learn to work cooperatively in a constructive manner.

5. By addressing common needs and priorities, they will encourage information sharing, transformation and change. 6. They will develop their foreign language and ICT skills and media literacy.

7. They will get used to some European values like democracy, freedom, equality, solidarity, human dignity, tolerance, taking responsibilities and observance of laws. After witnessing that these values lead to social peace and order in European countries, they will be expected to become more sensitive towards human life in their own country as well. 8. They will overcome the notions with regard to ethnocentrism, racism or gender discrimination.

9. They will be willing to state their opinions and emotions about the relevant topic and try to be more responsible citizens next time.

10. By disseminating the activities and publicizing the results, they will promote cooperation among youth.














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