Less Consumption Less Waste
ID 212323
A.S 2019-20
DOCENTE Prof.ssa Arena
About the project
The project is about Less consumption less waste. We have one world and we are responsible for protecting it from threats as a citizenship. If human beings minimalize the usage of the products in their daily lives, they will produce less waste. Our worlds resources decreases day by day and we should take precautions urgently. In this way, We can directly and positively impact one of the biggest global threats of our time.
1-All the participants will contribute to the solutions of environmental problems.
2-Creating a twinspace
3-Students will be concious of preventing waste and protect the nature.
4-They will perform this theme in their daily lives and spread the society conscious of environment as responsible individuals.
Video realizzato dalla V BS. Si ringraziano gli alunni per il loro prezioso contributo.